As a first step, do not panic, but act quickly as the removal of fresh spots is always much more successful than of old stains.
Decide whether you can tackle the removal yourself. In case of extensive or old set-in stains, contact your nearest WoolSafe Approved Service Provider.
Always take up as much of the soil/stain as possible before applying any WoolSafe Approved spot remover.
Before applying any spotting agent, pre-test it on an inconspicuous area of the carpet.
Always apply the spotting agent on a cloth, not directly on the stain. Wear rubber gloves.
Never use dish washing liquid or other cleaning agents not intended for carpet as they leave sticky residues and cause rapid soiling.
Use small quantities of spot remover at a time, repeat if necessary. 2 or 3 light applications are more effective than 1 drastic application. Do not over wet the carpet.
Always work from the edge of the stain towards the middle to avoid spreading it. Blot, never rub.
Use solvents with care and ensure good ventilation.
Always thoroughly rinse out water-based spotters with clean water.
Stain Removal Techniques
WoolSafe provides educational programs, technical information, networks of highly skilled Service Providers and Registered Inspectors in different parts of the world.
Established in 1991, the WoolSafe Certification Mark is widely recognized in many parts of the world as the standard for excellence and safety of carpet care chemicals, both for professionals and consumers. It is used by many of the world’s largest cleaning product manufacturers and suppliers to identify and promote those carpet care products that are specifically suitable for use on wool and other natural fibers.
More recently, WoolSafe introduced EnviroSeal, a testing and certification program that identifies products that are not only safe and effective on wool carpets and rugs, but also safe for the environment.